
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Where to go in Grenada

Where to go in Grenada is a decision you will make while planning your trip or at your arrival here on the Isle of Spice.

Putting down your bags and relaxing after the long and tiring flight your second concern, the first being a good plate of food (well you have been eating aircraft food) is how far is the nearest beach.

Things to do in Grenada will now be on your mind if you have not already planned your trips – and not many of us do that. We tend to go with the flow; after all, we are on holiday, right!

After taking in the beach the first couple of days, we are now actively looking for a place to visit in Grenada. Places of interest are varied ranging from waterfalls, beaches (including lovely secluded unspoilt country beaches that only local people will know), and markets.

Some of us will go on organized tours while others, being more adventurous, will hire a car and take our time to experience what this lovely island have to offer.

One of the forgotten and most beautiful parishes in Grenada is St David. There is no town, although the first town ever started in Grenada was in St David. Megrin Town is still to be found on the map today. Megrin was the name given to the parish by the French and changed to St David around 1764 by the British after one of their many wars for these islands.

Today 2009, there is a new attraction in St David or is it Megrin. Theresa’s Backyard Garden is a beautiful addition to where to go in Grenada. The garden introduces the visitor to food and herbs that grow locally and used as part of the daily diet of Grenadians.

You will see, touch, smell, and taste the fruits and vegetables whatever is in season. You will see lizards, butterflies and moths and hear the local birds and maybe the monkeys coming down from the mountain.

The view from the garden is beautiful and ideal for taking pictures. Visit St David as well as Theresa’s Backyard Garden you will not be disappointed.


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