
Monday, December 7, 2009

Sightseeing in Grenada

Sightseeing in Grenada since hurricane Ivan has changed. One of the most magnificent sites the island had to offer is the nutmeg tree. The lovely trees that graced the hills and valleys of the island were devastated by that terrible hurricane in 2004.

The nutmeg is a native of Indonesia and one of Grenada’s most important crops. It is incorporated in our national flag. In the early days of Queen Victoria nutmegs were in much demand by the aristocracy. They believed that it could ward off illness. The women wore a silver pendant designed to hold the nutmeg while the men kept a special case in their pocket for the same reason.

In Grenada, we use it for colds, in a hot rum toddy, we mix it with Vaseline and rub it on the chest so the pungent aroma can be breathe in while asleep. It is also now used in a spray for the relief of pain.

The first nutmeg plants arrived in Grenada in 1843 and were planted in St Andrew at Penang estate.

The nutmeg is a tropical evergreen tree which grow to over 60 feet. It takes eight years to bear a crop and steadily increases in yield each year. It is a continuous year round crop.
Grenada’s nutmeg is prized worldwide as it is of very high quality. Weeds do not grow under the nutmeg tree.

Both the nutmeg and mace accounted for nearly 40 percent of the islands revenue from export crops.

Today some farmers have replanted after Ivan and the nutmeg is now beginning to show signs of producing in the near future. Visit Theresa’s Backyard Garden and you will see the young nutmeg trees that are now beginning to take on their first crop.


Anonymous said...

I relly loved this Garden it was so relaxing.

will defiatly be back.


Theresa Williams said...

Thnak you Jone. It will be lovely to have you visit again.

Unknown said...

I watched your video and it's really exciting! Please give me a instruction how to grow a nutmeg tree. Where do I get the right seed etc. My name is Abu, from bangladesh and my email address is